We have defined behavior as anything that an intact, living organism can do; regardless as to whether the activity occurs covertly or overtly.
This work concerns the disorder Autism. These first four chapters indicate that Autism is a disorder that severely impairs one's linguistic and social skills over one’s lifetime. Thus, we can take this information and begin creating a behavioral definition for Autism.
Autism’s trademark symptoms as identified by the Merck Manual, as represented in this book are: ‘extreme aloneness’; ‘insistence on sameness’; ‘attachment to familiar objects’; ‘disorders of speech and language’; and ‘markedly uneven intellectual performance’ (pg. 17). These symptoms also begin to provide an idea of what behavioral definitions we would use to address these symptoms. The next step would be clarifying the exact behaviors associated with each of the symptoms. After having established these specific behavioral definitions, we will have clarified which behaviors to observe. We will also have developed some insight into how we should record these