Mike Skinner is a researcher from Washington State University. He investigates chemicals, like DDT and mixture of BPA and phthalates, which can cause obesity and reproductive biological problems5. Leonardo Trasande from New York University Medical School studies levels of BPA in urine, the BMI of children and its relation to obesity. University of California, Irvine researcher Bruce Blumberg studies obesogens, endocrine disruptors and TBT effects on hormone receptors3. Endocrine disruptors are chemicals, when absorbed in the body either mimic or block hormones, disrupting the body’s normal functions. It includes DES, dioxin, PCBs, and other pesticides2. Rob Sargis studies effects of endrin, tolylfluanid and BPA on the glucorticoid pathway7. With increasing obesity rates, many scientists believe chemical exposures that mess with hormonal pathways make the human body more susceptible to obesity2.…