Plato also made this clear in Seventh Letter. Plato wrote, “Even though he may be quick at learning and remembering this and that and other things, nor any man who, through akin justice, is slow at learning and forgetful, will ever attain the truth that is attainable about virtue” (Thirteen epistles of Plato, 344a). Learning has to be more involved. Students need to experience and be actively engaged in their learning. If students just read from a book or listened to a lecture, they cannot be taught to the fullest extent. They need to participate and play an active role in their learning to maximize their
Plato also made this clear in Seventh Letter. Plato wrote, “Even though he may be quick at learning and remembering this and that and other things, nor any man who, through akin justice, is slow at learning and forgetful, will ever attain the truth that is attainable about virtue” (Thirteen epistles of Plato, 344a). Learning has to be more involved. Students need to experience and be actively engaged in their learning. If students just read from a book or listened to a lecture, they cannot be taught to the fullest extent. They need to participate and play an active role in their learning to maximize their