
Summary Of Scrooge

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Summary Of Scrooge
Marley was dead. He was once Scrooge’s partner. Besides, Scrooge was the person who most needed to be sad. But he didn’t, because Marley’s death didn’t make him lose his fortune.
Scrooge was a man without any enthusiasm, patience and susceptibility. He wanted only money, money and money. Nobody liked him, and nobody would greet at him. People who saw him all ran away, and even a guide dog pulled its masters out of his way.
A long time ago, on Christmas Eve, Scrooge was busy at his office. He and his clerk only had a little fire because Scrooge was so stingy that he kept all the coals in his own room. Soon after, his nephew came and wished him Marry Christmas. He mentioned that his family invited Scrooge to have a Christmas dinner, but heartless
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He thought Christmas was a day that foolish men celebrated. After his nephew left, two charitable men came in and asked Scrooge to donate to poor people, but heartless Scrooge refused again.
Every strange thing happened after Scrooge came home. The pictures of famous people’s faces turned into Marley’s face and the old bell which hadn’t been used for many years began to ring. Then, Marley’s ghost appeared. Scrooge was so afraid that he could not say anything. Marley’s ghost had many chains on it, and the ghost told him should not be so miserly, or Scrooge would have the same unfortunate experiences as he. Finally, Marley’s ghost told Scrooge that there would be other three spirits visiting him this night.
The first spirit visited him at one o’clock a.m. It took him to Scrooge’s past.
The spirit reminded Scrooge of the day when he was alone, happy, fell in love and finally lost his lover.
The second spirit took him to his clerk home, and he saw how pitiful the poor clerk was. Then it took him to his nephew’s home, where he saw how his family member ridiculed

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