She becomes sexually active while at her prestigious school. She is found entertaining a young man in the broom closet of her school. Not long after her conduct at school, she became involved with a man referred to as “The
Gangster”. It is during this relationship we see Beli partake in, what seems like a form of prostitution. She had an affair with a married man, who would disappear for lengths of time. He bought her nice things, took her to nice places, and even took her on vacation. She never saw his house, they only met at motels. While researching Dominican prostitution, I found that it is common for young ladies to participate in sexual activities for some form of compensation.
Some of the reasons for these acts of sexual deviance could possibly be caused by the same life experiences of Beli. According to the Journal Archives of Sexual Behavior, “Some significant
differences found between the samples of prostitutes and the samples of normal women were that the prostitute samples, on the whole, learned less about sex from parents and more from personal experiences, as children experienced more sexual advances by elders, were