I cannot even fathom what it is like to watch everyone you live die and possibly because of you. This disease is draining physically and mentally. Lack of education affects your self worth greatly. Physically it can leave women weak if they do not know about different diseases or medications to take for them. Mentally it is so rewarding knowing you are capable of gaining knowledge and being able to apply to the real world as well as possibly apply it to aid others! I think the economic hardship in Bosnia-Herzegovina is physically deteriorating with no reward so that can effect an emotional well-being of a woman greatly by chipping away of their little perseverance they have after the
I cannot even fathom what it is like to watch everyone you live die and possibly because of you. This disease is draining physically and mentally. Lack of education affects your self worth greatly. Physically it can leave women weak if they do not know about different diseases or medications to take for them. Mentally it is so rewarding knowing you are capable of gaining knowledge and being able to apply to the real world as well as possibly apply it to aid others! I think the economic hardship in Bosnia-Herzegovina is physically deteriorating with no reward so that can effect an emotional well-being of a woman greatly by chipping away of their little perseverance they have after the