
Summary Of The Jungle By Upton Sinclair

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Summary Of The Jungle By Upton Sinclair
UpUpton Sinclair's book, "The Jungle" made the meat industry safer and more sanitary. Unsanitary meat can cause several health defects and can expose you to bacteria. Before Sinclair's novel, even working in meat processing factories can be dangerous. Without Upton Sinclair’s novel, it would’ve taken much longer to realize the dangers of unhealthy conditions in meat production factories. Upton Sinclair’s book “The Jungle”, had many short-term impacts on society. One of the short-term effects was outrage from the public. The public was shocked by what Upton Sinclair had revealed about the terrible conditions of meat-packing factories in “The Jungle.” The book also brought attention to the severe factory conditions, which led to discussions about

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