
Summary Of The Largeness We Can T See By Tracy Smith

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Summary Of The Largeness We Can T See By Tracy Smith
Tracy K Smith’s collection of poetry in “Life on Mars” intrigued me in such a way that caused make to dig deeper into myself and think about life in a way that I do not usually think. The way in which she fused human life into the universe opened up a different part of my imagination that I’ve never used. A requirement for contemporary poetry is that it connects with its audience and moves the audience in such a way that strikes their sensitivity. It seems she was able to master this requirement effortlessly. By using imagery and metaphors, I got a vivid picture of what she was describing in some of her poems. Being able to visualize what she explains makes it easier for me to understand what she is saying and easier for words to seep into my deep thoughts. What I admire the most about this collection is the way she speaks about death. Nobody will ever fully understand death, which always bothers me when I think of it. I feel like the general population always tries to find a comforting way to speak about death. By doing so, they tend to sugar coat the reality. The way Smith writes about her father’s death, it’s easy to tell that she was deeply …show more content…
Tracy K. Smith’s poetry had the power to dig into my brain and make me think of things that I find the least important on a daily basis. The line: “When our laughter skids across the floor/ like beads yanked from some girl’s throat, / what waits where the laughter gathers?” served me as great imagery although I still did not see where the poem was going until I read the line where she says “We move in and out of rooms, leaving/ our dust, our voices pooled on sills.” I understood this as an advisement that there is more to this world than we realize. Everything that we see with our own eyes is not all that exists. Existences that we do not know about are screaming for our attention but we do not hear the

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