
Summary Of The New Greatest Generation

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Summary Of The New Greatest Generation
According to the article, “The New Greatest Generation”, Millennials are described as a person reaching young adulthood around the year 2000. The author argues that Millennials are lazy, over-confident or narcissistic. For example, Kim Kardashian, she knows that she doesn’t have talent but she’s very open with her life. In my opinion, I would have to disagree with Stein considering our generation as lazy and narcissistic. The comparison he makes between Kim Kardashian and Millennials across the United States is just his opinion that can’t be proven with proper evidence. Millennials are often perceived as less motivated and productive than previous generations, because they are taking longer to get married, gain full time employment, and move away from home. …show more content…
In “The New Greatest Generation”, it also states that “Each country’s millennials are different, but because of globalization, social media, the exporting of western culture and the speed of change, millennials worldwide are more similar to one another than to older generations within their nations. In Joel Stein’s article, towards the ending he starts praising this generation as being helpful and optimistic. He also says that Millennials are informed, but inactive and that they are known for constantly holding up cameras, taking pictures of themselves and posting them online. I would definitely say that I don’t agree with Stein’s accusations towards Millennials. He feels that all Millennials are not motivated, celebrity obsessed, and narcissistic. I do agree with him when he states that mostly teens are known for constantly holding up cameras, taking pictures of themselves and posting them online. I don’t feel he has proof, but he does make interesting

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