Counselling is the assisting of clients with personal problems which can be emotional, physical or psychological. A counsellor advises them with ways in how they can overcome their problems. A client makes an appointment or an appointment is made for them so that they can speak with the counsellor and share their problems. Counselling will enable the clients to see things more clearly and this will enable them to make sense of their feelings. Counselling does not attempt to sort out its clients’ problems as it only provides advice and it is the clients’ choice whether to take action in order to improve their lives (NHS 2014).
The information the client shares with the counsellor is kept confidential and is only shared if they are putting their live or others’ lives at risk. Counselling will allow the clients to focus on their emotions; feelings and goals are set after in …show more content…
The therapist in the following sessions helped Irene make the emotions in the unconscious mind conscious. This was done by interpreting those feelings in order to make sense of them. After going through those feelings the mind becomes conscious as everything starts to make sense for Irene and that sense this theory has been very helpful for Irene (Lin Travis 2013).
One of the weaknesses of the Psychodynamic Approach is that it is not scientifically proven as according to Freud the personality is made of three parts and so scientists are yet to see proof of that theory. This counselling approach is quite limited as it only concentrates on the past and earlier life experiences and does not take nurture, e.g. the environment and biological factors, e.g. genetics into account (Quizlet 2014). Although this theory is ideal for Irene’s case as she had a traumatic childhood experience where she developed fear of