One reason that the bird is called ‘the toughest four ounces in the world’ is his minuscule weight. For example, in the story it states, “ Local Teenagers jumped in to help to carry the birds' to cloth covered cages where they would remain calm until they were measured, weighed, and released” This implies that they took the birds weights, and it's referring to his weight in the four ounces, part. And it also implies that, even though he is small, he is a survivor. …show more content…
Another reason the bird receives the title ‘toughest four ounces in the world’ is its long, life-risking migration that the bird has taken throughout its years of being captured and released.
For example, in the story, the author includes a picture of a map to tell us about the bird’s lengthy journey. First, the bird starts in Rio Grande, Tierra del Fuego, then, stopping at different points during its journey, the bird flies all the way up to Quebec! Then flies all the way back, only stopping two times on the way home, not stopping while flying over the Atlantic ocean. In total the bird travels from place to place, 7 times in its journey! Not including coming back to its
Lastly, the reason that the bird B95 the bird receives the title ‘toughest four ounces in the world’ is that the bird had survived 12 years worth of migrations there and back, for example, it states, “B95 was captured again on November, 8th, 2007.” That means that when he was first captured in 1995, this is happening 12 years after and that the bird has survived flying thousands of miles, for 12 years straight. A name tough would not suffice for all the bird has been to, not to mention, that these birds are endangered, and that poachers would be after them during their journey, and after twelve years, more than a decade, the bird has survived and made it back to that same spot. Clearly, the bird survived the endeavors to earn that title of ‘World's toughest four ounces in the world’.