The law that is presented in the mountainous region is often taken in the hands of the people that live within the area and used at their discretion creating chaos and no real order. Within most of stories, in Nothing Gold Can Stay, the law is often a form taken from the old testament or created on spot. The old farmer, in Where the Map Ends, told “From the looks of that scar, I’d notion you to be glad I’m doing it. I’d think …show more content…
Many people that are not familiar to the mountains and how their layout is; trying to escape and only end up dying unless they have help leaving. “No one would here the shot, he knew”, In the Trusty, Sinkler was trying to leave the mountain region and travel back to the city not knowing that there was someone waiting to kill him and take his money for their own personal use (Rash 24). Due to the lack of knowledge about the land, Sinkler did not have a fighting chance to escape and without the help from someone that knew the land, but since he was naïve about his travel company and her skills it ended in his death. “I’ll go to the cabin and fix you up a map”, the older man in Where the Map Ends, did not mind helping the older slave, but he was not going to help the younger slave due to the older man’s look at the law (Rash 73). The younger slave ended up dying, but the older slave went on because of the map that was given to help him leave the