
Summary Of Wild Swans By Jung Chang

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Summary Of Wild Swans By Jung Chang
Jung Chang, a Chinese-born writer who now resides in London, chronicles the history of three generations of women in her family as well as their lives in twentieth century China in her descriptive novel, "Wild Swans." As evidenced throughout the story, Chang provides her readers with the development of women's rights, customs, and traditions as witnessed throughout the development of the Chinese government. Because Chang's information is derived from her and her family’s personal experiences, one can assume the depiction of the lives of Chinese citizens during this time period is accurate; however, one cannot ascertain if her testimony of events remains biased so as to portray her family in a more honorable light. Chang maintains an optimistic view of life of the Chinese during the early period of Communist rule. Because she was the daughter of an official, her experience may be drastically different than the lives of most Chinese at that time. Amidst the many events discussed in her book, Chang’s main goal is to show the readers that the downfall of Japan and the entrance of Communism was brought many changes, both positive and negative, to the lifestyles of Chinese women and citizens in the twentieth century.
Chang’s grandmother, Yu Fang, was from Yixian. She was considered the belle of the town. In
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This was devastating to the family and in addition, her mother was still forced to make efforts to rehabilitate him for the sake of their children’s futures. A little over a year later, Mao died as well. Chang was skeptical as to whether China would ever escape the nightmares of Mao, but although his policies were still followed immediately after his death, his hold on China slowly began to fade away. She was soon given the opportunity to travel to the West and study English, something that she never thought she would be able to do. Her father was rehabilitated, and she was free to leave

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