
Summary Of You Can Grow Your Brain

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Summary Of You Can Grow Your Brain
In the adaptation “You Can Grow Your Brain” from Health and Science, the author emphasizes that many people think of the brain as a mystery. According to “You Can Grow Your brain”, we don’t often think about what intelligence is or how it works. In the outer layer of the brain which is called the cortex, are billions of very small nerve cells that are called neurons. A quote in this article stood out to me that says “The more you challenge your mind to learn, the more your brain cells grow.” In the section of “How Do We Know That The Brain Can Grow Stronger?”, the first sentence says that Scientists started thinking that the human brain could develop and change when they studied adult animals’ brains. It also says that the scientists had found that animals who lived in a challenging environment, with other animals and …show more content…
They taught half of them how to practice juggling the right way and did not teach the other half. In “A Formula For Growing Your “Math Brain”: Effort + Good Strategies + Help From Others,” Scientists have also found that learning to juggle is a lot like getting better at math. When a lot of people learn and practice different ways of doing algebra or statistics, it can grow their brains-even if they have not done well in math in the past. I noticed that in the same section that it says “If you use a bad strategy, you may not learn-even if you try hard. A few people study for math by doing the same set of easy problems and skipping the more difficult ones, or just reading the textbook over again because it feels easier. Yet when it comes to do the test, they don’t do well because they didn’t work on the problems that stretched their brains and taught them new things.” And with it saying this, I thought that most of the information is what I sometimes do when I’m really having a hard time in a subject and I just try new things to try to

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