This paper will be addressing a clinical case study from the writer's current experience that illustrates collaborative nursing practice. According to Schueller and Kimbrell (2003, p. 2), "When one refers to collaborative practice within a hospital setting, they are referring to healthcare personnel working together to care for patients and families". Collaboration is defined as "working together, especially in a joint intellectual effort to achieve a desired outcome; to cooperate" (American Heritage Dictionary, 2000).…
For that reason the remainder of this assignment will look at interprofessional working and its context within the critical incident. Day (2006) defines Interprofessional working as individuals from a profession working together for the benefit of those in their care, although they state that this does not describe the complexity and levels of the term, Miers and Pollard (2009) states that interprofessional working differs from multiprofessional working because multiprofessionals are health care workers who do not necessarily work together . The Nurse and Midwifery Council (2008) and General Medical Council (2006) state that nurses and doctors should work effectively as part of a multidisciplinary team and The Department of Health in 2007 launched the Creating an Interprofessional Workforce Programme which is designed to support integrated holistic care for patients and their carer’s. Interprofessional working has been proved to improve patient care, enhance patient safety, improve job satisfaction, streamline services and improve patient outcomes (Day 2006) and is necessary because health care has become more complex and patients now require specialised care from a variety of health care professionals with a range of skills and experience (Sargeant et al 2008). Interprofessional teams vary in…
This core competence explains how it teamwork and collaboration functions effectively within the nursing and other team members, fostering open communication, mutual respect and shared decision making to achieve quality patient care. Teamwork and collaboration is what nursing are all about. It is important to be a good team player and help your fellow nurses. It is also important to collaborate with other team members, to be all on the same page about what the plan of care will be and what is going on with the patient from different standpoints. Collaborating is a must in the nursing practice, as a nurse, you collaborate with the doctors about the plan of care and orders, with pharmacy about medications and doses recommended, with physical and occupation therapy, and so many other team members. As my nursing leader discussed, teamwork essential, and when unsure ask your fellow nurse for clarification, instead of jeopardizing the patient safety. Nurses help make safe and efficient decisions regarding the patient needs preferences and values. Communication is a key aspect to providing safe and effective care especially in nursing and with other inter-professional team…
Interprofessional collaboration in health care is not only necessary but vital in the care of patients’. The goal of most health care professional is to provide the best care to their patient but often, this best care is hampered by different professional working in silos, but increasingly, team and collaborative care is gaining ground with our collective understanding that the goal of each member is quality care. With this in mind, efforts are increasing to promote inter-professional collaboration since the interest of the patient is central to all.…
There are many advantages to partnership working. The main advantage being, that when all partnerships work together it enables the service user to have a better quality of life and sustain authority and freedom over their own lives. Good Partnership working between individuals and health and social care providers will encourage compliance with care as well as promote a positive outlook with a service which people participate in rather than simply receive. Each Health and Social Care provider will have their own expertise in their own line of work. They will also have their own unique relationship with the individual, here are just some for example? The Carer that provide the service user with support with personal care, social visits, making meals and everyday living. The Managers of the carers, that put together care plans, rotas, risk assessments and keep all carers updated on the service user’s needs and most importantly manages the team of carers to make sure there job role is being adhered to. The Social Worker that will ensure that the person in question is safe guarded and supported, they will liaise with the service users families and support with the commencement of care companies for supported living, support with financial needs, living allowances, bills and housing. The Advocate that arranges activities, day centres and liaises with all the service providers, the advocate is solely there to make sure all partnerships are following procedures and looking after the service user’s needs adequately The Family and Friends that will often know an individual’s particular way of communicating their preferences and the best approach to use. Sharing their knowledge, history and understanding of what needs to be in place helps to ensure the best possible care. Working with the professionals as equal partners will lead to tailored person-centred support…
whether they are occurring at home or in school so they can live a stress free life…
Healthcare collaboration, among professionals, has been a source of important communication in obtaining optimal treatment for patients. By promoting active participation amongst various caregivers, involved in a patient’s care, this helps to enhance desired goals, while promoting continuous communication among caregivers. Determining which type of collaboration to evoke in patient care can be difficult.…
Working in multidisciplinary settings where the client’s goals are fundamental also allows the team members to safely trial the limits of traditional roles and accountabilities to encompass the wants of the client. Incorporating Emily and family into the team embodies a certain challenge that involves careful planning. Emily and her family are distinctive members of the team in numerous ways. Firstly, Emily and her family do not have any formal training within health care. Therefore their input regarding care issues helps formulate a detailed care plan surrounding their concerns and fears with Emily. Secondly, educating and involving Emily’s family as much as possible enforces the idea that the care they provide to Emily is just as important as actions carried out by other health professionals. Finally, just as health professionals must acclimate to numerous patients they meet, so must the clients learn to acclimate…
Working in partnership is a key element of practice within health and social care. The concepts of power sharing, consultation and joint ways of working are essential for effective service provision. Health and social care professionals need to understand the importance of promoting autonomy with individuals. They also need to be aware of their own roles and responsibilities and how they relate to others within the sector.…
In our ever changing healthcare system the need for collaboration is more needed than ever. Collaboration as defined on Wikipedia “is a process defined by the recursive interaction of knowledge and mutual learning between two or more people who are working together, in an intellectual endeavor, toward a common goal” (Wikipedia, 2007). Collaboration is a complex process that requires knowledge sharing and joint responsibility for patient care. Sometimes it occurs within long-term relationships between health professionals. On other occasions, collaboration may involve short encounters. In these settings, there is no second chance to collaborate effectively. The challenge then, is to make the most of all interactions in order to use the best knowledge and abilities of all the health team and produce positive patient outcomes. (Collaboration: It’s Worth Our Time and Effort)…
This partnership allows other members on the team such as nurses, residents, and patient care technicians to feel as though they have something to contribute and allows them to feel confident in their own knowledge, skills, and attitudes. When team members are given the opportunity to voice their opinions and concerns with patient care and not be shut down they feel valued and it encourages them to look at themselves to see what actions or expressions they are communicating to the group. Open, honest communication doesn’t come without its share of conflict as it reminds the team of barriers that need to be addressed. An effective team develops strategies to improve…
The presenting issue in the article is collaborative practice among students in healthcare professions including Nurse, Physician, and Social Worker is hinder due to their attitudes towards how the various disciplines view each other. The disjoint between the professions is attributed to insufficient training in the area of interprofessional collaboration (IPC). Nevertheless, in order to develop an interprofessional curriculum and provide training for students before entering into the health care setting it is important to understand students’ attitudes toward IPC.…
At an affordable cost health care providers team up to add value to promote overall health as well as wellness to prevent illness. This also provide interprofessional working relationships, which contributes to mutual respect and trust to effectively collaborate care across the health care profession. This also improves diversity, which reflects the individual’s expertise, values and effective care. If the recipient does not respect the source or act upon the resources provided the information may not be accurate. Collaborative care helps improve diversity, which reflects the individuals expertise, values and effective care (Interprofessional Education Collaborative Expert Panel, IPEC 2011).…
22). According to McCaffrey et al. (2011) review of literature, collaborative approach is set to create a “positive work environment, decreases costs, improves job satisfaction among nurses, and improves patient care” (p. 294). However, this approach is not without complications. Lancaster, Kolakowsky-Hayner, Kovacich, and Greer-Williams (2015) review of the literature found that various perspectives into the decision-making process and variations of opinions might affect understanding of the clinical situation during the care of the patient. Moreover, Lancaster et al. (2015) found that efficient communication and self-motivated collaboration, improved patient outcomes, while poor communication and collaboration were associated with negative consequences such as medical mistakes (p. 276). Thus, it is essential for everyone involved to possess efficient communication skills. Because nurses are at the forefront providing direct care to the patient, they are responsible for collaborating with other members of the interdisciplinary team to assure all needs are met. Accordingly, it is especially imperative for nurses to develop effective communication…
I would firstly advertise the sports day as a poster. I would put these up in the school because the parents/care givers will see these when picking up their children and will help to build up the children’s excitement if they keep seeing them around the school. I would put them up in local shops and around the area. This will help the whole community know what is happening and hopefully bring them to come and support the children.…