Practice Assignment
Earth Science Sem 1 (S2828338)
Cheyenne Vermander
Points possible: 50
Date: ____________
Answer the following questions thoroughly.
1. Name three forms of evidence used to support the Big Bang Theory. (9 points)
1. Recession of distant galaxies noted 100 years ago and confirmed in the 1920s
2. Cosmic microwave background discovered by accident in 1964 or 65.
3. Relative abundance of hydrogen, helium. lithium and boron as measured in other galaxies and even our Sun and other nearby stars is as predicted from theoretical studies based on hydrogen bomb research.
2. The speed of light indicates how fast light can travel in a vacuum. (6 points)
1. A. What star is closest to our solar system? (3 points)The Alpha Centauri system is located 1.34 parsecs or 4.37 light years from the Sun, making it the closest star system to our Solar System.
B. If you could travel at the speed of light, how long would it take to travel from our solar system to the nearest star? (3 points)
19,000 years
3. If you could travel at the speed of light, how long would it take to travel from one side of the Milky Way galaxy to the other?(5 points)
it would be 100,000 years from end to end.
4. Some stars are so far away that their light hasn't reached Earth yet. A million years in the future, will the sources of light we see when we look up at night be the same? Why or why not? (10 points)
Most stars live for *billions* of years; a few million years is just a small part of their lives - so, *most* will appear the same way now as they will then.
However, some stars *will* reach the end of their life in that span - and, while we still "see" them as burning, in fact they may have come to the end of their lifespan and died.
5. Stellar equilibrium relies on fusion and gravity to maintain stars in their current form. (10 points)
A. What will the sun turn into when it runs out of fuel for fusion?