From atoms to stars
Understanding of the processes of stellar evolution came as a result of twentieth century advances in both astronomy and atomic physics. Advances in quantum theory and improved models of atomic structure made it clear to astronomers that deeper understanding of the life cycle of stars and of cosmological theories explaining the vastness of space was to be forever tied to advances in understanding inner workings of the universe on an atomic scale. In addition, a complete understanding of the energies of mass conversion in stars was provided by German-American physicist Albert Einstein 's (1879-1955) special theory of relativity and his relation of mass to energy (E = mc2, or energy [E ] equals mass [m] times the speed of light [c] squared).
Indian-born American astrophysicist Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar (1910-1995) first articulated the evolution of stars into supernovae, white dwarfs, and neutron stars; and predicted the conditions required for the formation of black holes, which were subsequently confirmed by observation in the last years of the twentieth century.
Stellar mechanics
The material between stars occurs in clouds of varying mass. By processes that are still not completely clear, but involve cooling of the cloud-center with the formation of molecules, and the squeezing of the cloud by outside starlight or perhaps astellar explosion, the cloud begins to collapse under its own self-gravity. The collapse