SuperHeroes LLP is accountable to its customer, Good City. More specifically, SuperHeroes LLP is directly accountable to the mayor of Good City. In addition, the members of SuperHeroes LLP are accountable to each other and to their CEO, Catrix. SuperHeroes LLP is accountable for doing the job they were hired to do, which is lowering crime and keeping the citizens safe while causing minimal damage in the process.
What keeps SuperHeroes LLP’s CEO, Catrix, awake at night? In other words, what can get in the way of SuperHeroes LLP from successfully executing its strategy of cleaning up Good City and keeping it safe from criminals? If SuperHeroes causes more damage to the city than they prevent, they will no longer be providing value and will lose their contract with the city. The mayor told them that the city “would be lost” without them but that they “cause too much damage” and need to control themselves. One worry for SuperHeroes LLP is that having to be more careful may "tie their hands" and result in the team being less effective. This lack of freedom may prevent them from getting the job done.
Another possible worry is that SuperHeros LLP is going through rapid expansion (from 4 to 12 members) at a time when the mayor is complaining about prices and there is disagreement about the compensation within the organization. This could put extra stress on the company because the payment has to be spread among 12 members now. As a result of possible disagreements about compensation within SuperHeroes LLP there may also be a lack of commitment from the superheroes. If they do not feel they are being paid fairly, they may not work as hard.
Another issue that may be on Catrix's mind is the long term profitability of the company. If SuperHeroes LLP is successful in lowering the crime rate in Good City and have caught the criminals, it is possible that the mayor would end their contract.