
Supernatural Things Revealed In Macbeth By William Shakespeare

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Supernatural Things Revealed In Macbeth By William Shakespeare
There are lots of supernatural things that go on in Macbeth. Many of which were also in other books or plays of this time period. Written around 1606, many of the things that were written about could not be proven false. But now with our knowledge today, we know that these things most likely didn’t happen. One supernatural thing that appeared in Macbeth were the witches. These witches are seen as evil beings in Macbeth. He uses these witches to tell him about his future, but when they do he is afraid to acknowledge it. They told Macbeth about his future as Thane of Cawdor and soon to become the King. When he was told about becoming Thane, he rightfully denied that as being true. These witches also told Macbeth to beware of a man who is not …show more content…
Not only was Macbeth seeing things that were not real, the dagger and the ghost of Banquo, he was also showing other signs of schizophrenia. He also showed aggression, not only physically by carrying out the murder, but also mentally. The assassination of the king showed the aggressive measures Macbeth would take to become king and appease his wife. Also, the assassination showed his compulsive behavior which is also a characteristic of schizophrenia. By the way he reacted to the murder, he seemed to not have a very strong emotional response which is also a characteristic of a schizophrenic. But not only after the king’s murder were his emotions blunted, but also after his beloved Lady Macbeth died. He also shows cognitive impairment. When he is to plot and plan Duncan’s murder, it has him uneasy and not sure if he should follow through with it. Hence, this is why his wife planned it and Macbeth was to only carry it out. Macbeth also shows signs of anhedonia, the inability to feel pleasure. After he assassinates King Duncan, MAcbeth is unable to enjoy anything else in life and becomes paranoid. His paranoia stems from his belief that Banquo knows that Macbeth killed King Duncan, and that Banquo is plotting something against Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. Macbeth also had auditory hallucinations while he was carrying out the plan to kill

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