Superstition and religion
See also: Evolutionary psychology of religion and Evolutionary origin of religions
In keeping with the Latin etymology of the word, religious believers have often seen other religions as superstition. Likewise, atheists and agnostics may regard any religious belief as superstition.
Religious practices are superstitious when they include belief in miracles, an afterlife, supernatural interventions, apparitions or the efficacy of prayer, charms, incantations, the meaningfulness of omens, and prognostications.
Greek and Roman pagans, who modeled their relations with the gods on political and social terms, scorned the man who constantly trembled with fear at the thought of the gods, as a slave feared a cruel and capricious master. Such fear of the gods (deisidaimonia) was what the Romans meant by "superstition" (Veyne 1987, p. 211). For some Christians, just such fears might be worn proudly as a name: Desdemona.
The Roman Catholic Church considers superstition to be sinful in the sense that it denotes a lack of trust in the divine providence of God and, as such, is a violation of the first of the Ten Commandments. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states superstition "in some sense represents a perverse excess of religion" (para. #2110).
The Catechism clearly dispels commonly held preconceptions or misunderstandings about Catholic doctrine relating to superstitious practices:
Superstition is a deviation of religious feeling and of the practices this feeling imposes. It can even affect the worship we offer the true God, e.g., when one attributes an importance in some way magical to certain practices otherwise lawful or necessary. To attribute the efficacy of prayers or of sacramental signs to their mere external performance, apart from the interior dispositions that they demand is to fall into superstition. Cf. Matthew 23:16–22 (para. #2111)
Some superstitions originated as religious practices that continued to be observed by people who no longer adhere to the religion that gave birth to the practice. Often the practices lost their original meaning in this process. In other cases, the practices are adapted to the current religion of the practitioner. As an example, during the Christianizing of Europe, pagan symbols to ward off evil were replaced with the Christian cross.
* Jun * Superstitions in India!
When it comes to India, anything and everything is possible! I am sure you must have heard of this statement…definitely one man’s belief is another man’s superstition. All barriers are broken when it comes to superstitions. All you need is a panditji or a swamiji or a fakir to tell one that his mars is strong or bad period (shani) is reigning over him…that’s it! The person would leave no stone unturned in performing all the rituals that are required to be performed to set off the good period in his life.
Unfortunately, many fail to realize that the same amount of dedication and conviction if applied in other aspects of life would do them much better. But the social evils in India are entrenched so deeply that cutting one rope would not be sufficient. Superstitions and the caste system go along at the same line with the people from the higher caste considering the lower caste people as untouchables.
We, as the people of India have moved ahead in all aspects of life. So, why is it that it is so difficult to let go of our faith, beliefs and superstitions? We hear cases of daughters being sold off only because some swamiji has told the family that it would bring good luck to the clan. But these are certain serious offences which in times of today, are serious crimes overlooked by the society.
On the other hand, the less serious superstitions which I would call stupidity include not passing by if a cat has cut across your way. Similarly, one should not cut nails or wash hair on specific days in a week. The reason behind the above is because they are considered to be inauspicious.
Indians have the tendency to rely a lot on astrology and charts when it comes to important matters in their life. This aspect is so deeply ingrained, that even the educated people belonging to well-to-do families follow it religiously. This is particularly true when it comes to issues such as marriage. It is a known fact that in India, when there is an auspicious occasion like wedding, it is not just the union of two people but the union of two families. And so, the horoscopes (I would rather call it horror scopes!) need to match before the holy matrimony. The fact to be noted here is that inter caste and inter-religious marriages are still not accepted very openly here.
In today’s context, do such practices really matter? Is one already destined or an individual makes his own destiny? When it comes to Indians and the removal of these superstitions, it would merely question the very existence of the people.
For instance, let’s imagine the practice of such aspects being banned by the government of India. What would the people do? When it comes to the youngsters, I am sure most of them would be happy. There would be some who would rebel where as others would accept unwillingly as change. But then, getting back to reality, even our darling politicians would not take any action without consulting their astrologers. And so, it’s everywhere from the common to the poorest to the elite. An assurance of a soothsayer, be it a false one is important for our psyches to move in the right direction.
All in all, this is an issue of debate which would not end in the near future. All one can do is fight by spreading education and awareness. So, the shackles could only be broken when the chains are let loose. And the lock could only be opened with a key which is literacy and knowledge here.
Superstition is a credulous belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge. The word is often used pejoratively to refer to folk beliefs deemed irrational. This leads to some superstitions being called "old wives' tales". It is also commonly applied to beliefs and practices surrounding luck, prophecy and spiritual beings, particularly the irrational belief that future events can be foretold by specific unrelated prior events.
The etymology is from the classical Latin superstitio, literally "a standing over [in amazement]", but other interpretations include an over-scrupulousness in religion or a "hold-over" from older beliefs .[1] The word is attested in the 1st century BC, notably in Livy and Ovid, in the meaning of an unreasonable or excessive belief in fear or magic, especially foreign or fantastical ideas. Cicero, however, derives the term from the "superstitiosi" ("survivors") parents indulging in excessive prayer and sacrifice hoping that their children would survive them to perform their necessary funeral rituals.[2] By the 1st century AD, it came to refer to "religious awe, sanctity; a religious rite" more generally.[3][4]
To European medieval scholars the word was applied to any beliefs outside of or in opposition to Christianity; today it is applied to conceptions without foundation in, or in contravention of, scientific and logical knowledge.[5] Many extant western superstitions are said to have originated during the plagues that swept through Europe.[citation needed]
In keeping with the Latin etymology of the word, religious believers have often seen other religions as superstition. Likewise, atheists and agnostics may regard any religious belief as superstition. Showing 1 to 25 of 95 Articles matching 'Superstitions' in related articles. | Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Next >> | | | |
1. Home Buying and Selling Superstitions
August 18, 2010
Quicken Loanswho specializes in articles about Home Loan Rates, Mortgage Rates and other home-buying related information.">As soon as my husband and I signed the papers for our new home, we were given more unsolicited advice about moving than when we told people we were having a baby. There’s something about moving – either buying or selling a home – that brings out the superstition in people. My mom would not let us step foot into the home without first putting a pinch of salt in all of the corners of every room. She said this kept away bad luck and only invited in the good. While she was d... (read more)
Author: Jordan F | | | | 2. The Web Architect
August 14, 2010
Taipei 101 has one of the best artistic aesthetics the world’s buildings can show off. Its construction was strictly guided by traditional Chinese superstitions with feng shui as a heavy factor in the architects’ decisions. The building looks like a stack of smaller buildings following the owners’ order to construct a building that resembles a bamboo. It was intended as such not just because of visual appeal, but because it’s a design that minimizes the effects of wind to the building. The building looks good, but function came first. Constructing a web site is a not-so-different story.... (read more)
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August 12, 2010
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Author: James Weinstock | | | | 4. Superstitions in the Game of Billiards
August 11, 2010
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July 22, 2010
What is passing an exam? Passing an exam is always a double battle. From the one hand it is a battle with oneself. The main goal here to achieve is to cope with different fears and expectations, superstitions and real facts. From the other hand it is a battle with the examiner. The aim of such battle is to shift the higher position of the examiner as a conversationalist, convince him that a student can be a good public speaker that can throw dust in somebody’s eyes. Dishonest students use dishonest methods. How do they do this? 1)They do not keep silence and try to say something... (read more)
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Author: alex smith | | | | 7. Superstitions in the Game of Poker
July 02, 2010
Gambling and superstition go hand in hand! Poker players - along with gamblers in general - often have specific rituals they follow before or during play which they believe will bring good luck. Sometimes it involves wearing a particular article of clothing or jewelry or it might require carrying a specific item. And it often involves the environment in which they gamble. There are a number of superstitions that have been around for many years and others that have popped up more recently in places like luxury hotels on the Las Vegas Strip where resorts will go to great lengths to honor th... (read more)
Author: Ralph Burris | | | | 8. Friday 13th
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Friday 13th Party There are many superstitions that are born out of a lack of understanding and intrigue which more than often arose hundreds of years ago, however one such superstition is that associated with Friday 13th, this is in fact quite a modern day superstition with the earliest records only going back as far as the 1860's. It is believed that should any of the Fridays in a month fall upon the 13th day bad luck will befall all people, whilst there has never been any true evidence to back this up, the superstition lives onto this day, with it being kept alive through film and the... (read more)
Author: Betty Lane | | | | 9. How to Pick Winning Lottery Numbers
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Author: Anthony Wayne | | | | 10. Sports Betting Basics
June 24, 2010
To the novice gambler, sports betting basics whilst an essential aspect of the unavoidable learning curve associated with sports betting as a whole often prove to be a major stumbling block for them and so too many novices rely on their emotions and baseless superstitions to determine their final decision. First off, one of the most important issues to be aware of when it comes to sports betting basics is that not all sports are created equally meaning that there is a significant degree of difference between the various forms of sporting activity. As is this was not complicated enough th... (read more)
Author: Ryan Abegglen | | | | | | | | 11. Tips to Improve Lottery Odds
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Author: Anthony Wayne | | | | 12. Bad Luck in Poker
June 07, 2010
For a game where most players rarely consider luck, there are lots of superstitions in poker. When you mention that someone was lucky in that poker tournament they won, be careful of how you say it. For instance, if you mention that you were unlucky, your luck may never change. Ok, that may sound a bit ubsurd, but poker is a game loaded with superstitions. Did you know that if you are playing a game with two seperate decks and you are asked to pick the deck, you should always pick the deck of cards that is furthest from you? Or, how about If you get a run of bad cards, you must sit on a h... (read more)
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May 24, 2010
There is nothing wrong if you believe that wearing your favorite lucky dress on the day of your job interview will give you the confidence that you need to make a good impression. The same is true when your mother always checks the flat iron or oven before leaving for work. Many of us have little superstitions and rituals that help us to become productive and produce positive results. However, when these 'rituals' are taken to extremes and begin to affect normal daily function, it becomes a problem. When you start feeling that something will really go wrong simply because you are not weari... (read more)
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Author: Marie Coles | | | | 15. Superstitions While Exam Passing. Do They Really Work?
April 26, 2010
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Author: Roxanne Bridger | | | | 17. Wedding Customs and Traditions
April 26, 2010
Most of today’s wedding traditions are influenced by superstitions and are folk lore. No wonder, there is more than one legend to each of our most popular customs from the engagement rings and flowers to gowns, invitations and wedding venues. Even though traditions vary from culture to culture, a wedding is so tightly bound with a white color in our minds that it seems to have always been this way. It is commonly believed that a white wedding dress comes from the color’s ancient symbolic association with virginity and purity. In reality, it is a much more recent development. The meanings... (read more)
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Goa is an indifferent part of India and firmly represents Indian culture, civilization, traditions, faiths, beliefs and superstitions. Goa is one of the most beautiful states of Indian land. A sizzling blend of enchanting coconut and palm trees, mild sunlight, colorful sand, buzzing breeze, crystal and pristine water and revitalizing environmental conditions. Goa is a 110 KM long coastline land covered with worlds most decent beaches. Goa is an outstanding example of Indian faiths, according to Indian legends and mythology it was a piece of land submerged by sea and came out by the divine effe... (read more)
Author: Article Submitter | | | | 20. Pet animals, caring is important
April 05, 2010
Adopting a pet animal add a new friend to the life of people. Dogs and cats are generally adopted by people as pets. There are a few countries where people have certain superstitions related to cats. In such countries, we can rarely find people who have adopted cats. In U.S, there are a large number of people who love to adopt cats and dogs. There might be various houses where one can see both dogs and cats. Several studies indicate that people, who have pets, stay happier. When a pet animal welcomes someone home or move his tail on seeing his master then it really feels great. Peop... (read more)
Author: Cristian Stan | | | | 21. Black Diamond Engagement Rings - Breathtaking
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Contrasted against colorless diamonds, white sapphires, or any other precious gem, the black diamond engagement rings are beautiful to observe. These rings can have diamond settings with the black diamond appearing in a variety of shades: somewhat greenish, translucent black, almost gray, or solidly black. With these black diamonds alongside the white gold, the eye is just naturally drawn to them. Even though the color black suffers from social stigma of being closely related to bad luck, to death, and to other undesirable forebodings. However, aside from all these superstitions, engageme... (read more)
Author: Steve Wood | | | | 22. How To Choose The Right Charm Bracelets
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Charm bracelets are one of the most ancient jewelries in the world. They have some of the most exotic legacies as well. In the ancient times, the charms were largely used as amulets to ward off evil influences. The trend continued even in the medieval ages when the knights used these charms for similar purposes as well. However, in recent times, the superstitions have gone away. But, the charms have retained their popularity; though not because of their magical powers, but because of their elegant styles. These days, the charms are one of the major fashion statements. One of the greatest... (read more)
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The books which have been written of late years about Japan have either been compiled from official records, or have contained the sketchy impressions of passing travellers. Of the inner life of the Japanese the world at large knows but little: their religion, their superstitions, their ways of thought, the hidden springs by which they move-all these are as yet mysteries. Nor is this to be wondered at. The first Western men who came in contact with Japan-I am speaking not of the old Dutch and Portuguese traders and priests, but of the diplomatists and merchants of eleven years ago-met with a c... (read more)
Author: Edward Hodges | | | | 24. Choosing the Best Pet for Yourself
March 22, 2010
If you wish to have a pet animal in your home or your kids are asking you to bring a pet animal for them then you need to know about pet stores in your area. Before you get information about various pet stores, you need to decide which pet animal you want to have. The choice of pets varies according to the preference of people. Dogs and cats are considered as most preferred pet animals. In some countries, people relate some superstitions to cats and for this reason cats are rarely adopted by people in such countries. There may be some pet stores which sell different pet animals like ... (read more)
Author: Cristian Stan | | | | 25. Rigid ladders are available in many forms
February 26, 2010
The idea that it is unlucky to walk under a Household ladder is one of the most widely known and practised superstitions of modern times, being by far the most often mentioned in replies to our 1998/9 Superstitions Survey. In most cases now it is simply said to be ‘unlucky’, but in previous times to walk under a ladder might result in you never marrying, or dying on the gallows. The first known reference to this belief is little more than 200 years old, in Grose's Provincial Glossary (1787:63). For those unfortunate enough to have walked under a ladder, a number of traditional remed... (read more)
Author: Simon suen | | |