Dr. Kelly DeLong
Office: 115 Haven-Warren
Office phone: 404-880-8171, cell 678-977-7353
Office hours: MWF 12-1,3-4
Email: kdelong@cau.edu
Texts: The Norton Anthology of World Literature Vols D-F Sherman Alexie The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven
Grade Distribution: There will three tests worth thirty points each and an oral presentation worth ten points, for a total of one hundred points. The final is the third test. However, the final will be split into two parts—the first half is an English Department test, which is cumulative and worth fifteen points, and the second part is based only on the work covered in the third section of this class and it is also worth fifteen points.
Test Makeup: You may miss as many tests as you want. However, you will only have one fifty-minute class at the end of the semester to make up missed tests. You may not make up the third test, as it is given the day of the final.
Oral presentation and Paper: Each student will be assigned a topic to supplement the discussion on each piece of literature we will be looking at this semester. I will assign the topics. Each student will research the topic, write a two-page paper on that topic and present the paper to the class on the date it is due. The paper will be in the MLA format (which includes citing your sources and having a works cited page) and the discussion will last approximately five to ten minutes. At least two sources are required. The paper and discussion will be graded on the thoroughness of the research and the ability of the student to articulate that student’s findings to the class. This assignment cannot be made up. Also, failure to staple pages and to number them will result in a loss of points. This project is worth up to ten points.
Tentative Schedule:
Jan. 11—Class introduction
13—The Enlightenment in Europe, pgs 295-301 Vol. D
18,20,23—Moliere Tartuffe
25—Swift “A Modest Proposal”