There are different models of involvement and support with families, here are a few that I thought to be very important to a child’s development and education.
Firstly, I feel that Volunteering is really important, not only are you providing an extra set of hands at school, but it’s also showing that you care about your child’s education and want to support it. I also feel this would give your child a lot of confidence because the child can have you meet his or her friends, and to be in the classroom and show you his or her classroom accomplishments. Another way to show
involvement and support is by communication. Communication is really important in every aspect of life, it’s a way we can convey either how we feel or to get the job done. A bridge between parents and teachers are built with communication by allowing both of them to gain understandings on how the child is doing both at home and in school life. A great way of involvement and support is continuing learning at home. Parents helping children with their homework and also making sure its done doesn’t mean a good grade, its also establishing responsibility and follow through that will be needed to have a successful and rich life. Lastly, I feel strongly about the involvement and support for the family is though parenting. Since children are not born with a handbook, I find it vital that there is support at school in helping the parent make wise decisions regarding the life of their child, and giving them the tools to do so. While doing that, not only is the parent improving on their skills, but its benefits the school as to better understand families.