Changes that may occur are Deaths in the family , moving tenancy, a birth in the family or just growing up in general
A death can be a negative experience because it brings a time of emotions and can make someone sad if a person close to them has died.
Moving house can be a welcome change of refresh an individual’s life with new surroundings.
Approaches that may enhance an individual’s capacity for change are to use existing skills or knowledge the individual has that will help them manage the change. Also use all resources available to develop new skills. These skills will relate to the individual needing to develop in order to manage change. Smaller skills at the start and then try to go on to more challenging and ultimately rewarding skills.
By giving the individual some personal space (wardrobe, bedside locker, etc) this will provide easy access in their own environment they need to do simple new tasks such as dressing themselves, personal care, etc)
It is always important to address risks that may arise from a change and to see requirements are made for change.
It is important to provide support, both practically and emotionally during a time of change. People with learning disabilities can be very vulnerable and many need extra help and support. Different groups of service users may need different kinds of practical support to enable them through change. Supporting the service user to get through a practical challenge and supporting them throughout will enhance their self esteem when they get through the change. Also if there are completely new tasks for the service user this will possibly start to invigorate their mind again and give them a new sense of confidence. Allow the individual to manage change and adapt at their own pace and this promote independence.
Emotional support is always important. Supporting people through their distress is an essential requirement. Some service users may