Task 1:
There are many things that practitioners can use in early years settings to implement ICT into the curriculum, for example:
Camera: this is used to take pictures or videos in which the children can create memories with. They take pictures by using the screen to see the picture they are going to take and then they can press buttons to zoom in and out and another button to take the picture.
Computer: this is where the children are able to do a variety of things on. The children may learn how to create a word document, how to simply log on and off, how to use the internet to get onto games like ‘Ceebeebies’.
Printer: the children can use this to print off the work that they have created on a computer, whether this is a picture, some writing, information they have found and so on.
Digital clock: this can be used as ICT as the children have to use buttons to set the clock to the correct time, and therefore it will also help the children to read the time.
Battery powered toys: these are all forms of ICT, for example, a roma. This is because the children are having to use buttons to make the toy work, for example, a toy car will have an on and off button in which the children have to press to make the car work. Alongside this, there will also be a remote control where the children use to direct the car to go where they want it to.
I phone/ blackberry: this device allows the children to play on games, make and receive phone calls and texts. To create these, the children have to press the buttons on the phone in order for them to get to the phone book or the messages.
Smart board: teachers use this a lot within
Bibliography: (Thursday 3rd December 2009): ICT in Education: Harnessing Technology to Improve Educational Outcome: http://www.insidegovernment.co.uk/children/ict/index.php (at 20/10/12) DfES (2004): Using ICT in Schools - Addressing Teacher Workload issue: https://www.education.gov.uk/publications/eOrderingDownload/RR595.pdf (At 20/10/12) Level 4 (2008-2011): Independent Review of the Primary Curriculum: http://moodle.slcollege.ac.uk/pluginfile.php/4437/mod_folder/content/1/Independent_Review_of_the_Primary_Curriculum.htm?forcedownload=1Level 3Level 2 (at 20/10/12) Gill Squire. (2007): BTEC National Diploma Children 's Care Learning & Development: Essex