2. HR activities that support the organisations strategy
2.1 Recruitment and Selection Page 5
2.2 Data Collection Page 6
2.3 Performance Management and Staff Development Page 7
3. How HR Supports Line Managers and Staff
3.1 Administration and Payroll Page 8
3.2 Benefits, Holiday and Absence Page 8
3.3 Grievance and Disciplinary Page 9
Conclusion Page 10
Recommendations Page 10
References Page 11
1. Introduction
Human Resources play a vital role in the achievement of an organization’s overall strategic objectives; this report supports the retention of the HR function. It details how HR supports and assists the company’s strategy and how HR helps line managers and staff in their day to day roles.
2. Activites that support the organisations Strategy
2.1 Recruitment and Selection
Recruitment and selection is very important, in order for us as a business to grow and succeed we must have the right people to do the right jobs. HR supports the strategy of the organisation by helping managers by identifying recruitment needs. As stated on ACAS – The importance of good recruitment and Selection. (2009) Recruiting people who are wrong for the organization can lead to increased labor turnover, increased costs for the organization, and lowering of morale in the existing workforce.
By identifying where the organization is going in the future, HR can help by looking at what roles will need to be recruited for, how many staff they may need and whether we have right people within the business who are promotable and have the skills to do the job.
2.2 Data Collection
The HR department supports the company’s strategy by aligning our priorities; the HR department has access to all employees’ data. The data includes absence records, recruitment data, job grades, pay structure and staff turnover.