Talent management is the term used to describe the HR process of hiring and retaining top employees. Human resource professionals themselves anticipate that retaining the best employees will be the greatest HR challenge in 2022, according to a November 2012 poll by the Society for Human Resource Management. Employees have a tendency to job hop as economic challenges make it difficult for companies to maintain high levels of pay over time.
The SHRM poll and a similar one in 2010 by PricewaterhouseCoopers both indicated leadership development was a key HR concern and challenge. As companies grow and expand, developing leaders who are promotable is important. Leadership development also connects to retention in two ways. Employees often indicate poor manager leadership as a reason for leaving jobs. Additionally, employees want more active leadership roles in decisions within their departments and jobs, which may necessitate training. Unfortunately, businesses sometimes struggle to come up with the budgets necessary for strong employee training and development programs that emphasize leadership and growth.
Human resources play an active role in the development of an organizational culture. Increased diversity contributes to the challenge of building a cohesive culture. While people from different backgrounds bring fresh ideas and perspectives, differences also contribute to the prevalence of conflict. Cultural variance in values and rituals affects the abilities of employees to find commonality, which is important to communication. Cross-cultural teams and diversity management are tools used by HR to
References: Luthans, F. Human Resource Management (Pre-1986) Volume: 17 Issue: 3 (1978-09-01) http://search.proquest.com.proxy-library.ashford.edu/docview/887725529?accountid=32521 Walker, W. Human Resource Planning. 1999, Vol. 22 Issue 2, p5-7. 3p. PERSONNEL management; INDUSTRIAL management; STRATEGIC planning; Human Resources Consulting Services; Administration of Human Resource Programs