Micro-Organizational Behavior
Robert Alford
Grantham University
During the course of this class my focus will be on the use of micro-organizational behavior and to focus on and discuss the finer points of behavior within a large organization such as that of the military or that of Wal-Mart Corporation. Furthermore I will talk about the process of decision-making and cooperation between small groups of people and how it affects the organization or company. The ultimate focus of my project is to gain a full understanding of the concept of micro-organizational behavior and to relay how the issues that surround this subject matter is relevant to the issues that will be studied throughout the duration of this course. I will in essence discuss the importance of delegation and responsibility and how they positively and negatively affect both the individual and a large group of individuals as a whole.
This area of Organization Behavior is of interest to me because micro-organizational behavioral studies focus on individual and group dynamics within an organization. In other words, micro-organizational behavior correlates how employees act alone or in teams. On an individual basis, much of micro-organizational behavior is concerned with rewarding employees in ways that work best for them, and studying their personality types to determine where they might be a good fit. In addition to rewarding employees this type of organizational behavior also focuses on mentorship and coaching. Team studies are a very popular part of organizational behavior studies and examine the best ways to form, use and lead teams in a variety of situations.
I. Micro-Organizational Behavior A. Definition B. Effects of micro-organizational behavior C. Decision making within micro-organizational behavior
References: Barling, Julian, Cooper Cary, The Sage Handbook of Organizational Behavior: Volume One: Micro Approaches, Sage Publications, 2008 Burton, Richard M., Lauridsen, Jorgen, & Obel, Borge, Human Resource Management, Wiley Periodicals, Inc., 2004 Greenberg, Jerald, Insidious Workplace Behavior (Applied Psychology Series), Rand Corporation, Routledge, Taylor& Francis Group, New York, 2010 Hitt, Michael A., Miller, C. Chet, & Colella, Adrienne, Organizational Behavior, 3rd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, 2011 Lacoma, Tyler, Micro-Organizational Behavior Vs. Macro-Organizational Behavior, Article Macquarie Concise Dictionary, 1998, p Oxford American Standard Dictionary, 1980, p. 342 Robbins, Stephen P.; Judge, Timothy A (2007)