There are no clear cut ways to differentiate ethical from unethical politicking.
Powerful people are usually very good at explaining self-serving behaviour in terms of organization’s best interests. They can persuasively argue that unfair actions are really fair and just.
Immoral people can justify any behaviour. Those who are powerful, articulate and persuasive are most vulnerable to ethical lapses because they are likely to be able to get away with unethical practices successfully.
It’s comparatively easier for the powerless to act ethically in an organization as they have very little political discretion to exploit.
When faced with an ethical dilemma regarding organizational politics , one should try to consider whether playing politics is worth the risk and whether others might be harmed in the process .
The process by which individuals attempt to control the impression others form of them is known as Impression management.
Who engages in IM ?
Answer : High self- monitors engage in IM . They are good at reading situations and molding their appearances and behaviour to fit each situation.
IM techniques : (1) Conformity : Agreeing with someone else’s opinion to gain his/her approval .
(2) Favors : Doing something nice for someone to gain that person’s approval.
(3) Excuses : Explanations of a predicament-creating event aimed at minimizing the apparent severity of the predicament.
(4) Apologies: Admitting responsibility for an undesirable event and simultaneously seeking to get a pardon for the action .
5) Self-promotion: Highlighting one’s best qualities , downplaying one’s deficits, and calling attention to one’s achievements .
(6) Enhancement : Claiming that something you did is more valuable than most other members of the organizations .
(7) Flattery : Complimenting others about their virtues in an effort to make oneself appear perceptive and likeable.
(8) Exemplification : Doing