Slides, handouts, and answers keys created by Karen Clay Rhines, Ph.D., Seton Hall University
Handout 2: What is Psychological Abnormality?
What is personality?
Personality is a unique and long-term pattern of inner experience and outward behavior
Personality tends to be consistent and is often described in terms of “traits”
These traits may be inherited, learned, or both
Personality is also flexible, allowing us to adapt to new environments
For those with personality disorders, however, that flexibility is usually missing
Handout 3: Personality Disorders
What is a personality disorder?
A very rigid pattern …show more content…
Cognitive theorists look at the lack of substance and the extreme suggestibility seen in people with the …show more content…
The vain, dramatic, and selfish behavior may be an exaggeration of femininity as defined by our culture
Handout 47: Treatments for Histrionic Personality Disorder
Unlike people with most other personality disorders, those with histrionic personality disorder often seek treatment on their own
Working with them can be difficult because of their demands, tantrums, seductiveness, and attempts to please the therapist
Handout 49: Narcissistic Personality Disorder
People with narcissistic personality disorder are generally grandiose, need much admiration, and feel no empathy for others
Convinced of their own great success, power, or beauty, they expect constant attention and admiration from those around them
People with this disorder exaggerate their achievements and talents, and often appear arrogant
Handout 50: Narcissistic Personality Disorder
People with this disorder are seldom interested in the feelings of others
Many take advantage of others to achieve their own ends
Probably less than 1% of adults display narcissistic personality disorder
Up to 75% of these are men
This type of behavior is common among teenagers and do not usually lead to adult