www.hiddenbias.org www.tolerance.org/hidden_bias TAJFEL
Ingroup bias (I, ours, us)
Outgroup bias (Him, her, theirs)
Over generalizations -> stereotypes -> prejudice -> discrimination
(Prejudice distorts our similarity) 1. Accentuates our difference 2. Selective perceptions 3. Underestimate differences within the outgroup
Allport (American born socialist) : 1. Achieving equal status (one method is by talking) 2. Common goals 3. Willing to cooperate 4. Facilitation by some kind of authority (laws or person in charge)
Psy202- Obedience/Compliance (5/28)
Obedience occurs in situations where people alter their behaviors and responds …show more content…
to orders of commands of people or persons they perceive as being in authority
Deindividuation - no personal responsibility 5. Visible Status - seeing authority (cops in uniforms or teachers having a larger desk in grade school or professors speaking on a stage like set up) 6. Sucked in (foot-in-the-door compliance) - when you can get people to do something and you take it up a notch after they comply and you continue to take it up another notch after their every comply. 7. Cognitive dissonance -
(Vs. Reactance = bravery to stand up and resist ): Rosie Parks, Martin Luther King JR.
*Social Exchange theory: We weigh the pros and cons of rewards and consequences of our actions
*Bystander effect: The idea that people don't want to get involved
Social Norms (and conformity): Milgram 5. Inhibitory anxiety 6. Need to be justify it 7. Immediate circumstances or …show more content…
(Self fulfilling prophecy)
Fundamental Attribution Error: First impression
Psy202- Personality Disorders P.2 (5/21)
Schizophrenia (Thought disorder/Delusions) - Axis 1 8. Paranoid: 9. Catatonic: 10. Disorganized: 11. Undifferentiated:
Hallucinations: 8. Auditory (hearing sounds and voices that aren't really there) 9. Visual (seeing things that aren't really there)
* Bizarre * Functioning decreases * Social life decreases
Personality (Childhood) Disorders- Axis 2
* Paranoid * Schizoid (Detached) * Schizotypal (Magical thinking): if you do something good for them that you're in love with them and then everything you do is telling them you love them)
Anxious: * Avoidant: They don't like change because it makes them nervous and they're predictable * Dependant: These people like to depend on others or have others depend on them, because being independent is very frightening to them.
* Obsessive Compulsive (different from OCD because it begins early in childhood): They become highly ritualized and they repeat weird behaviors over and over again.
Dramatic: * Narcissistic: These people think that they're perfect and the world revolves around them (prone to rage) * Histrionic: These people thrive on dramas and attention (drama queens, good manipulators; will make people feel guilty) * Borderline/Attachment: These people don't feel any love or attachment since young * Antisocial: They break just about every social skill we have (no remorse). They like flame, hurting animals, and rebelling.
* Empathy (authentic warmth from therapist) *
Genuine * Long term ---------------------------------------- Short term (Global, general) Illogic ( Specific, concrete)
Psychodynamic Cognitive
Psychoanalytic Behavioral
<---- Past Present Future ---->
Uses free association Reframing
Projective tests
A: Event B. Beliefs C. Consequence - emotion
Psy202- 05/16: Depression (Mood disorders) - Major Depression/Unipolar
*Www.suicidology.org www.depression-screening.org Mood Disorders: 12. Major Depression- Unipolar: Sadness (may lead to apathy which means having no feeling at all), tearful, agitated, lack of interest, guilt feeling, (triangle symbolizes "change") sleep all the time or have insomnia, early morning waking, significant change in their diet, change in their weight, these people feel worthless, they lose concentration, they get a decrease in energy (lethargy), they get suicide thoughts,
(Recognizing if someone's suicidal/depressed)
Age (Teens/Elders)
Previous attempts at suicide
Etoh (alcohol) abuse
Organized plan
No S.O. (Significant other)
Seriousness (Seeing things as unsolvable problems)
*Cognitive Therapy for treatment
With depression there is a loss in serotonin 10. Bipolar (Manic Depression): Most likely to become psychotic and have delusional thinking.
Mania: Elation, increase energy, less sleep, less eating, more activity, grandiosity -> delusional, impulsive, ideas of reference
*Lithium is the number one treatment * Dissociative Disorders
D.I.D (Dissociative Identity Disorder):