Questions For Drinkers: 1. Have you ever consumed alcohol?
__no 2. At what age did you start consuming alcohol? ________
3. . Why did you start consuming alcohol?
__ peer pressure
__family problems
__to have fun
Other(please specify____________) 4. Have you ever passed out or experience memory loss due to drinking?
___ yes
5. What alcoholic beverages do you often drink?
____ beer
____ cocktails
____ rhum
____ whistkey 6. How often do you drink?
____ once a week
____ twice a week
____ once every two weeks
Others: (please specify) _____ 7. Do you drink to escape pain, either physical or emotional?
___ Yes
___ No
8. How does it affect your condition the next day?
____ makes you lazy
____ makes you feel sleepy
____ makes you feel out of the mood
____ makes you feel sick 9. Have you ever skipped or missed class because of drinking?
___ No 10. How does it affect your performance in school?
____ gives you poor outcome in class participation
____ makes you feel lazy to come to class
____ makes you feel sleepy during class
____ gives you low grades 11. Have you ever skipped or missed class because of drinking?
___No 12. Did you ever get