Branding: The Wayfinding Signage RFP was published and proposals are due September 12. Staff will review all proposals and will provide Council with an update in late September/early October. In addition, sign permits have been submitted for all of our remaining parks, with the exception of Cedar Fork District Park, which is still being worked on. Once sign permits are approved, staff will move forward with the fabrication and installation of the park signs.
Public Works Master Plan Update: Staff …show more content…
Town Security & Safety: The RFP evaluation team will meet on September 6 to identify the top two potential vendors who will be invited for interviews. Vendor selection is expected to be complete later this month.
Lighting and Town Hall Maintenance: Painting work started August 29 and is expected to be complete later this week. Exterior LED Lighting conversion at Parks & Rec Administration is complete. Work is underway at MAFC where all 76 ceiling can lights will be converted to LED flood lights better illuminate dark areas of the facility.
Fire Station #2 Upgrades/Maintenance: The carpet replacement is complete and parts have been ordered for the new industrial fans in the bays. The targeted completion for the project is end of September.
Public Safety and Municipal Services Building Renovations: The architect has completed the bid drawings for renovations to the Public Safety and Municipal Services (PSMS) Building that will include modifications to the Development Services lobby and reception area, the addition of a conference room, and modifications to the Engineering Department space. Engineering modifications will be considered based on a base bid with considerations for a meeting room, an additional bathroom and kitchen improvements. The project is expected to be advertised for bids later this