When asked about their experience in courtship, 72% or 18 out of 25 4th year male students said that they have courted someone, while only 28% or 7 out of 25 said that they haven’t. The graph above shows the results of the survey regarding the given question. It shows that not all boys have experienced courting, and it is a great factor in knowing whether courtship really affects the academic performance of 4th year students or not.
The 4th year male students’ responses to the question “How does it (courting/ not courting) make you feel” are shown in the graph above. It is found that among those who experienced courting, 94.4% or 17 out of 18 4th year male students felt happy, 55.6% or 10 out of 18 felt challenged, 11.1% or 2 out of 18 felt sad, 72.2% or 13 out of 18 felt inspired, 22.2% or 4 out of 18 felt handsome, free, shy, and worried, 38.9% or 7 out of 18 felt confident, and 61.1% or 11 out of 18 felt loving. On the other hand, among those who did not experience courting someone, 11.1% or 2 out of 18 4th year male students felt happy, handsome, confident, and worried, 5.6% or any 1 out of 18 felt challenged, sad, shy, loving, and proud, 0% or none of 18 felt inspired, and 22.2% or 4 out of 18 felt free. It implies that courting brings good mood to males who are engaged in it, and it may have an effect on their academic performance, especially for those who were inspired and confident.
As shown in the graph above, among those who have experienced courting someone, 61%