Purpose: To work together as a team to solve a problem.
Each team will work to solve the mystery of Survivor Island by answering the following questions:
Who found the treasure?
What happened to the treasure?
Who has the treasure now?
Required materials: Packet of clues for each group.
1. Each group distributes an equal number of clues to each person in the group.
2. Clues are to remain in front of the person that they were given to for the remainder of the activity. At no time should all the clues be given to one or two people.
3. Members of the group must share the information with other group members by reading the clues aloud.
4. Given the information, members are to try and solve the problem.
Cast of Characters:
Dr. Fivus Finkus – Expert on all aspects of Survivor Island. Geologist for Xxon Corporation.
Miss Ima Beautee – The island’s librarian and historian who was educated at Oxford University – young and available.
Mr. Mark “Muscle Man” Silvers - a 25 year old local bodybuilder who works for the only taxi service on the island.
Mayor Thomis Alyer - Local politician who privately has searched for a hidden island treasure for years. On the record has denied its existence to keep tourists from flocking to the island.
Mrs. Shirley Alyer – Aerobic instructor and wife of the mayor. Was known to want to leave the island for greener pastures if she has the chance.
Mrs. Bobbie Bear – Retired zoologist and local know-it-all and busy body.
Clues: (Cut the clues below into strips and place them in sealed envelopes. Each group/team needs to receive one sealed envelope with all of the clues in it. The clues below are in random order).
An unclaimed jet ski was found on the dark side of the cove parked behind large branches of driftwood.
Dr. Finkus had been searching for the treasure for 25 years, according to retired zoologist, Bobbie Bear, who observed