In the story “The Most Dangerous Game,” by Richard Connell, Sanger Rainsford shows many traits of a survivor. The first trait is bravery. Rainsford was brave because at first when he was asked to play general Zaroff game he said no. Zaroff told Rainsford if he didn’t play the game that he would turn him over to Ivan. After Rainsford was told this he decided to play Zaroffs game. Zaroffs rules where you have three days to survive and if he finds you he would kill you. Ranford’s second major trait of a survivor was physical strength. He was able to hide from Zaroff in trees and cover his tracks up. He was also able to build traps to catch Zaroff. In the book Speak, by Laurie Halse Anderson, Melinda Sordino was a survivor. Melinda showed bravery because she was raped over the summer at a party and she wouldn’t tell anyone. Melinda didn’t talk at all the next school year. Whenever she would see the person who raped her she would call him IT who was Andy Evans. Melinda said she felt like a rabbit when she was around him. Melinda also showed mental strength because at the end of the book she wrote on the bathroom wall people to stay away from Andy Evans. A few other people wrote on the wall also. When Melinda tried to tell Rachel that Andy raped her but Rachel thought Melinda was jealous of her. Andy tried to rape Melinda again because Rachel found out what happened to Melinda. At the end Melinda gained mental strength because she thought she was the only girl raped by Andy Evans then she found out that he raped a bunch of girls. My great Aunt has lived with cancer for the last twenty five years.
In the story “The Most Dangerous Game,” by Richard Connell, Sanger Rainsford shows many traits of a survivor. The first trait is bravery. Rainsford was brave because at first when he was asked to play general Zaroff game he said no. Zaroff told Rainsford if he didn’t play the game that he would turn him over to Ivan. After Rainsford was told this he decided to play Zaroffs game. Zaroffs rules where you have three days to survive and if he finds you he would kill you. Ranford’s second major trait of a survivor was physical strength. He was able to hide from Zaroff in trees and cover his tracks up. He was also able to build traps to catch Zaroff. In the book Speak, by Laurie Halse Anderson, Melinda Sordino was a survivor. Melinda showed bravery because she was raped over the summer at a party and she wouldn’t tell anyone. Melinda didn’t talk at all the next school year. Whenever she would see the person who raped her she would call him IT who was Andy Evans. Melinda said she felt like a rabbit when she was around him. Melinda also showed mental strength because at the end of the book she wrote on the bathroom wall people to stay away from Andy Evans. A few other people wrote on the wall also. When Melinda tried to tell Rachel that Andy raped her but Rachel thought Melinda was jealous of her. Andy tried to rape Melinda again because Rachel found out what happened to Melinda. At the end Melinda gained mental strength because she thought she was the only girl raped by Andy Evans then she found out that he raped a bunch of girls. My great Aunt has lived with cancer for the last twenty five years.