Many organizational theories have been formulated, particularly touching on economic and social development. Sustainability is a vital element for all organizations that intend on having continuity in their core business activities. For organizations, sustainability efforts involve establishing mechanisms needed for carrying on and continuously enhancing the organizations activities while trying to achieve the main objective. According to Coblentz (2002), the majority of organizations have missions and long-term goals and objectives through which when attained indicate success for what they set out as their main objective.
According to Coblentz (2002), organizational sustainability is not a static process, rather, progresses through time. A journey involves many …show more content…
The process of attaining sustainability must involve organizations with well-defined missions and a blend of objectives and goals, the achievement of which guarantees the successful chase of the organization’s mission. Coblentz states that it is not mandatory that all organizations be self-sufficient. The majority organizations will at some point depend on external support in trying to achieve their missions and goals. In trying to achieve sustainability within the society, the Grapes of Wrath presents different scenarios that involve the struggles of life and survival, the many challenges people encounter and what it takes to attain a sustainable lifestyle. The film is centered on the family unit, the societal perceptions of what the family ought to be and the difficulties involved in sustaining the family unit together. It is a film that highlights the importance of moral uprightness, the significance of finances and what holds societal institutions together to ensure a sustainable