A Personal Summary and Thoughts
The basic premise of Management Reset, as stated in the introduction, is “not about convincing you that organizations need to be sustainably effective; it is a book about how organizations can be sustainably effective.” The book opens with a brief management history that imparts the business, social, and economical backgrounds and well as a basic vocabulary and explanation list used in the rest of the book. We are introduced to Command and Control Organizations (CCOs), High Involvement Organizations (HIOs), and the approach that the book will focus on Sustainable Management Organizations (SMOs). We are given a general summary of the shortcomings of the former two systems or management, as well as a summary of why the reset is needed and the major components required to sustain the change.
The new SMO approach employs the concepts that; They do not fear change, they embrace it, they value people, both employed and served, they actively support social well being, they consider the communities in which they operate equal to the profits and bottom lines they seek to achieve. The SMO concepts of “Organizational effectiveness” and the four core issues to “The Way Organizations Are Managed” are introduced in this section, and are the key concepts discussed throughout the rest of the book. Organizational effectiveness states sustainable effectiveness should be achieved in three areas: people, planet, and profit, also known as the “triple-bottom line.” The performance should be evaluated using two questions. “Does the organization generate sustainable outcomes and act responsibly toward all stakeholders?” and “Can the organization sustain effectiveness?” The four core issues of the way organizations are managed must fit business model and be sustainably effective. The core issues are used to section the remainder of the book and are as follows: “the way value is created,” “the way work is organized,” “the way people are