1 Foreword 2 The Business Excellence Journey in Singapore 7 Management of the Business Excellence Awards 9 About the Business Excellence Framework 21 Criteria for Business Excellence 39 Scoring System 43 Criteria Response Guidelines 45 Glossary of Key Terms 49 Business Excellence Milestones 51 SQA Governing Council 52 SQA Management Committee
Whether an organisation is from the public or private sector, manufacturing or services, big or small, it must manage its resources well to achieve superior performance. With changing global economic conditions, it needs to be nimble and adaptable to ensure its sustainability. Over the last 1 years, 5 the business excellence initiative has helped organisations enhance their management systems and processes to achieve sustained growth.
Singapore launched the business excellence initiative in 1994 and positioned it as a journey for organisations. The call to have separate criteria for SMEs, the public sector, and other industry sectors was resisted and the position maintained that the criteria for world class excellence, regardless of industry, size, structure or stage of development, are universal. This challenges assessors to be thinking assessors and to understand the business environment and constraints the organisation operates in. After all, business excellence is
The business excellence framework has the following basic elements:
Senior leaders set the organisational directions and seek future opportunities for the organisation.
The systems comprise a set of well-defined processes for meeting the organisation’s performance requirements.
Organisations use the business excellence framework as a roadmap for their business excellence journey. It helps them to assess where they