Professor Christopher Henderson
English 115
The needs of future generations are being met by current policies and practices of sustainable development. The world has improved significantly since the industrial revolution, and people have found a more welfare life than the past. Machinery do most the duties of humanity and it made the life much easier for human. But this development has had many bad impacts on the planet and humanity. Since the industrial revolution the global warming has been getting worse and the Earth planet is exposed. Therefore, we should not exceed the development. According to (Martens, 2006) " sustainable development is development which meets the needs of present without compromising the ability of future generation to meet their own needs". This text is going to discuss how sustainable development meets the future generation needs. In order to meet the needs of future generation we should balance the sustainable development of social, economical and environmental needs. In social sustainable development we usually consider the quality of people's live and living standards. The goal of sustainable development is to improve living standards and quality of live both for present and the future generation. All people in a society must have access to basic needs like food, education, healthcare, job opportunities, security. The basic needs of present and future generation are mostly food, shelter and security. These needs should be distributed equally for all the people. but is not everyone doesn't have all the needs that they should. We see that European and North America they live in a very high standard of living. According to ( Alex, Steffen) a researcher on sustainability " If all the people of the earth should have the standard living of European and North American we would need almost 7 or some people say ten planet like earth to provide equal social needs for every individual in this world".