Midterm Paper
29 October 2012
Swallow by Thosapol Boriboon and Inday Vargas by Ahmed Parfan Are you one of those people who loves art so much that you could spend hours studying, criticizing and complimenting it? Well, I certainly am not one of them. It is not because I hate art, but because I am simply uninterested. However, if I am to visit a museum, art can grasp my attention for a short amount of time, but I lose interest when I am not obliged to view them anymore. Last Saturday, we visited the UP Vargas Museum. At first I was hesitant to walk around the museum alone, because I was late so I had no one to walk with and it was eerily quiet in there. Not to mention, some of the pieces displayed were actually creepy looking. But I had no choice, it was for a grade and I had to be brave to pass this class. Surprisingly, I do not regret going in there alone one bit. I actually enjoyed looking at the different art pieces in there. One of the artworks that captured my attention was a 2D painting titled Swallow made by Thosapol Boriboon. It reminded me of the character, Sadako in the movie, "The Ring". It is made of acrylic on canvas, which consists of earthy and gloomy colors. The blurry effect painting technique and the earthy yet gloomy choice of color combination of Thosapol Boriboon gives the art work a somewhat sad, scary and angry feel to it. The artwork also consists of many different lines like, curved lines, diagonal lines, broken lines and many more. I think this is another way to tell that there are a number of emotions going on in the painting. In the painting, you can see a shape of a woman standing with her back facing the audience. I think this woman is one of the reasons why the painting projects a creepy feel to it, as to she has no head and she is facing towards the dark. The abstract feel of a big part of the painting gives the feeling of being crazy-like, complicated, messy and jumbled up. The positioning of the