Delia Jones had to work to earn her keep, with regard to her home life which was abusive. “Ah’ll throw ‘em out and put mah fist up side yo head to boot” (350), her husband display his intentions striking her. She fulfilled her obligation as a committed employee which allowed her the luxuries during that time. “Mah sweat is done paid for this house and Ah recokon Ah kin keep on sweatin’ in it”(350). Though the title for her job was laundry maid she was a really an entrepreneur. The job was not rewarding; however all the income she earned belonged to her. Delia’s faith in God is what kept her moving and giving her strength to live day to day. Delia demonstrate very good ethical behavior as a woman. No matter what situation Delia went thorough she always made sure she continues to press …show more content…
The force to continue with daily tasks gets heavy when situations become tough. “Aunt Jennifer’ tigers prance across the screen,” (965), this explains how the artwork is so beautiful it comes to life. The age of Aunt Jennifer show as she works to complete her needlecraft: “Aunt Jennifer’s Finger Fluttering through her wool.” (965) The artist in Aunt Jennifer go beyond the hurdles of being able to complete what she loves. “The massive weight of Uncle wedding band,” (965) on the other hand the weight of her marriage makes her restrained and distant. Neither being dead or alive will not take her away from her adversities: “Still ringed with ordeals she was mastered by.”(965). the needlepoint still lives and is very awake. “The tigers in the panel that she made Will go on prancing, proud and unafraid.” (965). Although fragile on the inside on the outside she was dedicated to the art she