For those of you reading because
“it’s similar to Cupcakes/Rainbow Factory”
, be warned that Sweet Apple Massacre also contains sexual content.
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Wanna follow along to a dramatic reading? I’ve listed a few I’ve come across near the end of this blogpost . Feel free to send in any fanworks of your own, too!
Sweet Apple Massacre
By bigmacintosh20111 (Probably.)
Big Macintosh surveyed the many apples trees that made up Sweet Apple Acres. It was nearly applebuck season once again, and it looked as though they would be having a bumper harvest this year. He nodded, satisfied. His sister Applejack walked up beside him.
“Whoo, boy howdy! I sure am glad you ain’t injured this time, Big Macintosh!” she said. “Why, there’s even more apples on them trees than last year!”
“Eeyup!” Big Macintosh replied, in his characteristic manner. “Them’s a lotta apples.”
Applejack was silent for a moment, enjoying the feel of the slight breeze against her blonde mane. “Say, I don’t suppose you’ve seen Apple Bloom anywhere, have ya? I been looking for her all day, and she ain’t nowhere to be found.”
Big Macintosh shook his head. “Sorry sis, can’t say I have.”
“Darn! That silly filly’s probably gone off somewhere with her friends. I just hope she ain’t getting herself into any mischief, or else there’ll be hay to pay!”
“Don’t you go worryin’ yourself, Applejack,” he replied, “I’m sure she’s perfectly fine. But anyway, I need to go back to the barn. I gotta go and press some apples for some of my homebrewed apple cider. I hoofpicked a few apples earlier specially, all nice and plump and ripe, and they ain’t gonna press themselves.”
Applejack laughed. “You sure