Electronics Engineering Department
Solar energy as a main source of energy
In fulfillment to the requirement in Methods of Research, Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineer
Prepared by:
Airo C. Pineda
Arbie C. Pineda
Submitted to:
Engr. Joseph Magtoto
Chapter 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem
1.3 Significant of the Study
1.4 Objective of the Study
1.5 Scope and Delimitation
1.6 Definition of Terms
Statement of the Problem
How Solar Energy can be use as main source of energy that would maximize all the energy that we use in our households even without sunlight at night
Sub Problem
How Solar Energy can be determined or analyzed in means of using it as the main source of energy.
How to maximize the usage of solar energy in order to give light in our household even night
How Solar Energy can be used as alternative source of energy.
Significant of the study
The significant of this study is to help our own household to lessen their debt from paying monthly electrical bills, because even my family and relatives suffers a lot from paying much expensive and not reasonable cost of electrical bills, so we decided as a group to find new effective and sufficient source of energy.
So we come out to research about the solar energy because solar energy is the most accessible, cheaper and most sufficient form of energy that can be use easily to our household.
Objective of the Study
The main objective of our study is to find effective and sufficient alternative source of energy that can be use as a main source of energy.
And the other following objectives are
To help household to lessen their payment from expensive and not reasonable cost of electrical bills
To help poor household to have their own sufficient and low cost main source of energy
To enlightened the hope of the poor household that suffers