SWOT analysis is an overall evaluation of the company`s strength(S), weaknesses (W), opportunities (O) and threats (T). Goal of SWOT analysis is to match the company strengths to attractive opportunities in the environment, while eliminating or overcoming the weaknesses and mini minimizing the threats.
As a Government Linked Company, Proton is secured in term of financial capabilities. More over, as the first national automotive manufacturer they have more that 20 years of experience and backed by the more than 1000 vendors and intensive distributed the service and distribution outlet. As financial year ender 31 March 2006 indicated, the net value of asset is more than RM 5 billion while the liabilities is only about RM 2 billion.
Proton had embarked on a project with the Lotus Group to develop a hybrid vehicle capable of running on either electricity or gasoline and others special projects that are focusing on technology development. This program aims to elevate the technology to a level that is on par with their global competitors by creating an alternative vehicle for the future which provides customers with better fuel economy, reduced emissions and uncompromising performance
The increase numbers of actual order by the various overseas markets were far in excess of the number shipped, the difference was due to constraints in the supply chain. There is no doubt that demand for Proton cars in the overseas markets exists. As such, looking forward into financial year 2007, the company anticipates a significant improvement in the number of Proton cars sold