An analysis of SWOT and KSF’s
Table of contents:
1.0 Terms of reference:
2.0 Procedure:
3.0 Findings:
3.1 SWOT:
3.1.1: Strengths:
3.1.2 Weaknesses:
3.1.3 Opportunities:
3.1.4 Threats:
3.2 KSF’s:
3.2.1 KSF by industry:
3.2.2 KSF by Organisation:
3.2.3 KSF by Customers:
4.0 Recommendation:
5.0 Conclusion:
6.0 Bibliography:
7.0 Appendix A – Critical Source Evaluation
1.0 Terms of reference: This is a 1000 word report by me analysing the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats and key success factors for the German airline giant (€17bn turnover) Lufthansa.
The report will be handed in on October 25th in the BUS101 1-hour seminar.
2.0 Procedure: This report is based solely on secondary research, which in hand is based predominately on the most current information accessible, i.e. the internet and news articles. It has been attempted, as far as possible, to rely solely on acclaimed sources, but more on this issue can be found in Appendix A.
3.0 Findings:
3.1: Strengths: One of the major strengths of Lufthansa is brand recognition. Lufthansa has one of the strongest airlines names in Europe and China; being “the leading European carrier in the Chinese market” (“Eighty Years Lufthansa in China, 2006). This is obviously a big advantage pertaining to customer loyalty, since its name is one of the first to come to the customer’s attention when booking a flight.
Besides from the commercial part of flights, Lufthansa benefits from having the worlds second largest cargo airline (“MarketLine Business Information on Lufthansa, 2006). The Lufthansa group owns several companies, taking care of many essential airline issues, which other airline companies have had to outsource. This naturally only furthers their already existing opportunity to take major advantage of economies of scale. Furthermore Lufthansa has an excellent trainee programme, offering to many members of staff, the possibility to take a Bachelor in aviation management. This is a
Bibliography: Date viewed: 06/10/2006 * Capon, Claire (2004) “Understanding Organisational Context”, Pearson Education Limited