1.1 Regus office location: Located in prestigious exclusive business hub locations having strong global presences covering more than 100 countries.
1.2 Highly market/customer oriented: tailor made offerings for different industry requirements. (Startups, SME, Multinationals, business travelers)
1.3 Standardized office environment maintained globally: unique office environment for Regus, Customer service and technological infrastructure.
1.4 Strong brand presences across the industry: Having 25 years + expert knowledge and being the dominant brand having 20% market in a fragmented industry and having positive customer review (8.4 out of 10).
1.5 Constant Expansions: Regus always expanding its operations through strategic allianes , joint ventures & acquisitions ( Virgin, Starbuks, iyogi, laptop lane, MWB , Avanta railways.)
1.6 High technology driven: global intranet, own website for each country, apps, sophisticated use of software for customer relationship management, SEO, Social media)
1.7 Prestigious customer portfolio: Google, Starbucks, GSK, Accenture)
1.8 Streamlined cost management practices: Regus reduced operating cost by 66% by disciplined cost management practices.
1.9 Managing & Navigating local market: Think global recruit local process giving expertise knowledge of the complex markets (laws, cultures and customs)
1.10 CSR and planet oriented work
1.11 Poor Financial Management: Volatile profitability (appendix 3) chapter 11 bankruptcy in 2006.
1.12 Volatile Share Price due to mismanagement of shareholders.
1.13 Poor Employee management. (Less Reviews, 47% would not recommend no proper training motivation programs,
1.14 Managing demand and supply: Volatile occupancy rate (occupancy rate an vary weekly basis increasing the risk of profits)
1.15 Regus strongly on branded officers potential threat of unbranded serviced officers.
1.15 Shift from the manufacturing sector to service: