After having faced all necessary aspects for a success of teilAuto, it’s now useful to have a look on and to compare all interior and exterior characteristics of teilAuto to have a complete overview of the company’s status. The mostly used instrument for this research is the so-called SWOT-Analysis in which interior and exterior features of the company are confronted. Interior features, strengths and weaknesses, describe the inside of the firm without any external influence to see what should be changed in future and what is already success-supporting. Every positive or negative influence that has to be expected from outside the company is shown in the external features, opportunities and threats.
Taking a look on the strengths of teilAuto, it is easy to see the advantages of carsharing in general to buying and driving a car for oneself. Using the services of carsharing is cheaper than driving an own car as long as carsharing was not used to often and the driven kilometers and times of usage were under break even point. In general this point is between driven distance of 10.000 to 20.000 kilometers per year, depending on the company QUELLE 1 RECHNUNG-BREAKEVENPOINT!! Als Quelle!
The majority of the carsharing-companies have offer the advantage of a relatively modern car pool. TeilAuto especially has no car that has been registered before. 2006 “SOURCE TELEPHONE WITH TEILAUTO 08.07.2011 01:12p.m.” QUELLE 2 This means a high level of safety, comfort and functionality for the clients. Overhead costs like historical cost, rental of garages, taxes and insurance rates are no longer necessary, using carsharing. The only running expenses through the usage of teilAuto is a monthly paid premium of 9 Euros. QUELLE 3 08.07.11 16:04)
When using an own car, it is not possible or at least not too easy to change the car when needing another type of vehicle. So, for example,