SWOT Analysis is a useful technique for understanding your Strengths and Weaknesses, and for identifying both the Opportunities open to you and the Threats you face. The SWOT analysis below is to understand the areas of improvement for Mattel while analysing its strengths. Also, to maximize the opportunities it has and minimize the threats.
SWOT for Mattel
Still a market leader- although it is true that the competition has increased over the years for Mattel, the current market capital is 8.67B. The question about whether they will bw able to retain this position or not, however, is debatable.
Strong brand equity – Building brand equity requires significant effort. Mattel has both single brand and multi brand identity. (Phillips, 2003)
Loyal customer base – Mattel has been in the market since the 1950’s. They have a large and loyal customer base. (Warner, Aug 5, 1996)
Wide range of products - Mattel believes its products are among the most widely recognized toy products in the world. Mattel’s portfolio of brands and products are grouped in the following categories:
Mattel Girls & Boys Brands - Including Batman , and Kung Fu Panda products, and games and puzzles. Fisher-Price Brands — Collectively Core Fisher-Price, Fisher-Price Friend and Power Wheels. American Girl Brands —including Just Like You, the historical collection, and Bitty Baby.
Strong distribution line – Mattel is believed to have a cost effective, efficient distribution line.
Corporate responsibilities - Mattel has implemented several projects aimed at reducing energy and water use, shrinking product packaging, and reducing waste, according to the firm’s 2009 Global Citizen Report. Mattel has also established the Mattel Foundation, which promotes philanthropy and community involvement among Mattel’s employees.
Global presence – Mattel has been increasing their international expansion.