Swot for Major
SWOT Analysis Strengths * Number of branches Major Cineplex has highest number of branches among their competitors so they can reach more customers. There are up to 43branches for Major Cineplex, 6 for EGV, 3 for IMAX, 2 for Esplanade Cineplex, 1 for Paradise Cineplex, and 1 for Paragon Cineplex. The more number of branches, screens, and seats, the more they can provide service to customers. * Location Major Cineplex Group located its product and service in the most convenient area. The location of each branch is reachable. It covers all regions, mainly in city and also other provinces. Therefore, it can attract a large number of customers throughout Thailand and gain a lot profit. * Oligopoly business Major Cineplex Group gain 80% of the market share. Since they are in the Oligopoly, there are only few competitors in the market, they lead the market. Moreover, it is the leader of the market so they have high bargaining power over both supplies and buyers. For supplier, they have high bargaining power over domestic and international film producers and also sponsors. For buyer, they can bargain by increasing the ticket price. * Variety sources of revenue Major Cineplex has many service and operation; they get revenue from many groups of customers. Not only film distribution and admission fee, Major Cineplex gains a lot of profit from advertising, concession, bowling and karaoke, and rental income which also can increase value-added. * The Economy of Scale The Economy of Scale increase their competitive advantages by having lower cost of production compare to their competitors. They have large number of customer data from M-Gen card, the membership card. So they can analyze the customer behavior to create suitable promotion program to attract each customer group. This membership program generates more sales and
References: http://m.thairath.co.th/content/eco/215181