Strength of Dublin airport.
Before the finance meltdown and recession , the Dublin airport aurthory seen that Terminal 1 was at full capacity and predicated that the numbers of people going through the airport will continued to grow. The Dublin airport aurthity then placed an long term plan to cope with the over capacity of the airport which included massive restructure of the airport which included new gates, retailing shops, pubs, and food courts to facility people using the airport. The most important investment of all that was the investment in the new runs way and the new terminal 2 which will be opened in Nov 25th 2010.
Due to the fact of the financel down turn in the world less people are flying, The biggest effect it has on the numbers it has on the numbers going through Dublin airport is in the corporate business area and in the personal area i.e. annually holidays and addition holidays as people and business are cutting back. Another area is to the fact that Ireland is so expenses to stay in people from the USA and UK our biggest markets are not travelling to Ireland anymore. Also they overspent in upgrading the airport with the new gates and terminal 2.
The DAA is in a very good prostitution do when the turn around happens in the economies due to the fact that it has the infristrucrty to cope with higher volumes of people coming through the airport.
If the economy takes longer to recover it could put a massive financial strain on the airport, and with higher chargers to airlines with government taxes it could see airlines reducing flight services (ryanair) and leaving Dublin airport which massive cut revenue for the airport.
I find that the daa marketing stragity is a basic to say the least which its fundmenltys of the stargety are coming from maslow therow. And only once has it done something out of the box by brining in the loop which i think is a brillent idea. It more or less